DuSol Beauty Singapore

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3 reasons why you should use hair oil


When you have curly hair, its harder for the natural oil produced from your scalp to travel all the way down to the ends of your hair. That’s why curly hair are often appear more damaged and less silky than straight hair. Gravity 🙄. So, in order to make curly hair look well-hydrated and healthy, you should use hair oils.


Bleached hair gives your a pop of colour, and styling helps to spice up or tame down your hair. Both of them are fun and unavoidable. Sadly, the damage they do is irreversible. However, what you can do is, cheat the world with hair oil. How do you think kpop idols change up their hair so often, but still making it look gorgeous? Yeap.


Sometimes your hair just starts to look a little lifeless, looking almost grey-ish, if you know what i mean. Luckily, there’s an easy solution. Hair oils! Hair oils work wonders when it comes to bringing your hair back to life by bringing in shine onto the surface of your hair.

There you have it. 3 reasons why you should use hair oil. The good thing about hair oils is that it’s totally easy to personalise it for yourself. There are so many types of hair oils out there, different perks for different types of problems you need to solve.

Argan Oil: For smooth and shiny hair.

Olive Oil: To revive dry hair.

Sweet Almond Oil: To improve hair health.

Coconut Oil: To reinforce hair.

Avocado Oil: To fight breakage.

Follow this chart and you’ll never go wrong 😉